Message Statuses
ℹ️ A PGP key must be uploaded to use this feature. See Step 4 in Getting Started.
Step 1. Set Custom Replies
Customize automatic responses when a tip is received (e.g., “✅ Accepted” or “⛔️ Declined”) to include additional contact details.
Step 2. A Good Accept Message
An example of a good acceptance message includes clear next steps for your source to contact you. We recommend using Signal for two-way communication.
Thank you for contacting me! I’d like to speak directly to you at your earliest
convenience. Please download Signal from the the [Apple App Store](
or the [Google Play Store](,
then contact me with the username @myusername.01.
Step 3. What a Whistleblower Sees
When someone submits a message to you they'll receive a unique URL only known to them. When you update the status of a message in your inbox, the message on this page will update.