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5 posts tagged with "Hush Line"

Hush Line articles

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Why You Should Never Use Work Devices To Disclose Information

· 5 min read
Glenn Sorrentino
Executive Director, Science & Design

Impact Model Diagram

Whistleblowing software adoption is on the rise. Legislation requiring companies to have internal and external methods of confidential reporting is active in the EU, and states in the US, including California, require companies to publicize the State's Attorney General's Office hotline phone number. At the same time, federal whistleblower protections are eroding at breakneck speed.

Hush Line's Sustainable Impact Model

· 8 min read
Glenn Sorrentino
Executive Director, Science & Design

Impact Model Diagram

[This article is a draft and subject to update.] It's tough out there. Grants seem harder and harder to come by, and the cost of maintaining software services is ongoing. We were honored to receive a grant from the Data Empowerment Fund for $100k; it enabled us to reach a stable, robust, production-ready state, enabling our first paying customers and many more free users. But another grant we were crossing our fingers for fell through, and it's a reminder that this cannot be our primary funding source for stable, long-term infrastructure.

How Newsrooms and Journalists Use Hush Line

· 5 min read
Glenn Sorrentino
Executive Director, Science & Design

Encryption settings wireframe

Hush Line is a general-purpose anonymous reporting tool that can be used across a range of industries. In this article, we'll explore how journalists and newsrooms can quickly get started with a Hush Line account that'll enable anyone with an internet connection to reach you without downloading a new app or creating an account.

Why A Signal Tip Line Isn't Enough

· 4 min read
Glenn Sorrentino
Executive Director, Science & Design

Encryption settings wireframe

I love Signal. I was almost their first full-time designer when the team was only four people with a physical office back in the Mission in San Francisco. I turned the offer down because I was too junior in my career to feel like I could be as effective as I knew I could be with more time at the Big Tech company I worked for...