🤫 Hush Line

Anonymous reporting for journalists, lawyers, employers, and more.

Hush Line is a platform that provides individuals and organizations with open-source, end-to-end encrypted, anonymous tip lines.

Hush Line Product Suite
Whistleblower Partners Logo Whistleblower of America Logo ABC News Logo BBC Logo Tor Logo UNDP Logo Mother Jones Logo CIR Logo Consumer Reports Logo Cyberscoop Logo The Markup Logo DDoSecrets Logo Cal Matters Logo KKC Logo Knowels International Logo Psst Logo EIE Logo Meraki Health Logo CanGlobal Media Logo Guardian Project Logo Haagsch Recherchebureau Logo Mucksec Logo Taller Logo Triplebit Logo Unredacted.org Logo

Featured In


"Psst’s safe is based on Hush Line, a tool designed by the nonprofit Science & Design, Inc., as a simpler way for sources to reach out to journalists and lawyers."

-Billy Perrigo


“Investing in technology that protects privacy—such as Hush Line and Signal—is also important in sharing information that is anonymous, and can't be subpoenaed.”

-Ariella Steinhorn

Who is Hush Line for?

Journalist Avatar

Journalists & Newsrooms

Our public user directory lets sources easily find and contact the press without downloading an app or creating an account.

Employer Avatar

Employers & Board Rooms

Companies pay billions in penalties every year. Give employees a private way to report and fix issues when they happen.

Lawyer Avatar

Lawyers & Law Offices

Make it easy for people who require advanced privacy and security to reach you without compromising their safety.

Educator Avatar

Educators & School Administrators

Educators and school boards can sign up and share their addresses with students as a safe way for students to contact a trusted adult.

Software Makers Avatar

Software Developers

How do you receive vulnerability reports for your software? End-to-end encrypted messages keep your secrets safe.

Activist Avatar

Organizers & Activists

Give everyone in your community a safe and secure way to report information, regardless of their tech skills.

Why Hush Line?

Custom Encrypted Forms

Make your message form work exactly how your business or workflow requires. Available for Super Users.

Custom Message Forms

Authenticity guaranteed

We offer free verified accounts for organizations and individuals so whistleblowers know their message is going to the right place.

Verify Your Account
Verified Accounts Screenshot

Triage and respond to tips

Tip line owners can easily accept, decline, and archive messages and automatically let the submitter know relevant next steps.

Triage Messages

We're committed to your privacy & security

Hush Line understands the risks associated with disclosing information. To help protect our users, we're committed to the highest standards of privacy and security.

End-to-End Encrypted

The same encryption trusted by scientists at CERN.

Anonymity with Tor

Bypass censors and stay private while online.

Free & Open-Source

Publicly verifiable source code. Review, copy, use.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • SecureDrop is a robust whistleblowing platform whose architecture is necessitated by very specific use cases: A.) To safely manage files sent by anonymous people so that a device or network isn't accidentally compromised, and B.) To provide a censorship-resistant and anonymous method of sending those files. When someone submits a message, an account is created for them, allowing two-way communication. To use SecureDrop:

    The tip line owner must:

    1. Do A LOT. SecureDrop is an "on-prem" solution, requiring you to store multiple servers locally, all focused on isolated tasks, using a dedicated network. Think of SecureDrop as a fixed workflow for receiving and handling potentially malicious files. You must do all of the things correctly to assume safe operation. It requires a lot of time, which means a lot of money. The installation and setup of the system, in most cases, needs to be conducted by a member of the SD team, with service contracts helping to ensure proper maintenance of the infrastructure.

    The message submitter must:

    1. Learn how to use SecureDrop.
    2. Download Tor Browser.
    3. Find the correct Onion address for their recipient.
    4. Submit a message.
    5. Save their account credentials.
    6. Check back for progress.

    Hush Line is not a replacement for SecureDrop. Instead, it's for organizations who might not have the staff required to manage such a system or need nation-state levels of defense for all of their anonymous tips. We simplify our security model by being a text-only service, meaning there is no possibility of receiving files that could harm your computer or network.

    We're a managed service, so you don't have to worry about maintaining physical infrastructure or learning new workflows. In fact, to use Hush Line, you don't even have to log back into the service after setting it up. We can deliver messages directly to your email inbox, so you can set it, forget it, and never miss a beat. Users can add their own public PGP key, giving them end-to-end encryption and ensuring messages cannot be read by anyone but them.

    Hush Line is also available on a clearnet address, or through our Onion service. Using the browser already on your computer or phone, you can easily submit a message without ever downloading a new app. Users who need higher levels of anonymity may optionally use our Onion service, requiring them to download Tor Browser. This flexibility allows for our service to be used for benign use cases or elevated threat levels.

Affordable & Ethical Pricing

If you need more than what our free tier provides, we have options to meet your requirements! This information is subject to change at any time.


This product is for the community, and our core services will always be free.

Forwarding Addresses 1
Verified Accounts  ℹ️
End-to-End Encryption
Proton Mail Key Lookup
Tor Onion Service
Easy Email Forwarding
Message Statuses
Automated Message Replies
Unique Reply Status URL
In-App Message Decryption ℹ️
Monthly ❤️ FREE
Register a Tip Line

Super User

For small to medium businesses that need features for teams.

All Core Features
OCR Vision Assistant  ℹ️
Unlimited Monthly Messages
Custom Message Fields
Base Subscription $0/mo
Third-Party Donation  ℹ️ $0/mo
Admin Fee  ℹ️ $0/mo
Support Fee  ℹ️ $0/mo
Monthly $0/mo
Get Started

Single Tenant

For businesses that need a dedicated managed service just for their employees.

    All Super User Features
    No Feature Limits
    Custom Onboarding & Guidance
    Custom Branding
Base Price  ℹ️ $0/mo
License Cost $0/mo
Third-Party Donation  ℹ️ $0/mo
Admin Fee  ℹ️ $0/mo
Support Fee  ℹ️ $0/mo
Monthly $0/mo
Annually $0/yr
Contact Us

Supported By


2024, 2025

Data Empowerment Fund


Open Tech Fund

2023, 2024

Trusted By

We're honored to be trusted by journalists, lawyers, and business leaders not limited to the following institutions...

ABC News Logo BBC Logo Cal Matters Logo CanGlobal Media Logo Consumer Reports Logo Cyberscoop Logo DDoSecrets Logo EIE Logo Guardian Project Logo Haagsch Recherchebureau Logo KKC Logo Knowels International Logo Meraki Health Logo Mother Jones Logo Mucksec Logo Psst Logo CIR Logo Taller Logo The Markup Logo Tor Logo Triplebit Logo UNDP Logo Unredacted.org Logo Whistleblower Partners Logo Whistleblower of America Logo

Contact Us

Thank you for stopping by! Hush Line is free and open-source product by Science & Design, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit in the US. Get in touch using one of the channels below!